Saturday, August 10, 2013

Classroom Tour

My classroom is my second home, so I thought why not make it feel that way. One of the biggest mistakes I made my first year of teaching, was to paint my walls bright Big Bird yellow. By the end of the year, my eyes were ready for a break! I followed in the footsteps of my mentor teacher the next year. Her room was so welcoming and relaxing, so I went with the light yellow/creme color she had decided to paint her walls. I have added, carpets, lamps (lots of lamps), and comfy seating over the years. What a difference it has made! 
Classroom Library

Display/Reading Partnership/Playaway Book Shelves
*I will be discussing these in a later post. :)

Our Classroom Mascot Toby! I use him to make special announcements/reminders.

My teacher table. This is actually "straightened" compared to what it looks like most of the school year.

Great way to stay organized! This is another idea I "borrowed" from my mentor teacher. 
My sections are by subject. You can also use each section as a day of the week.

The Little Touches
Here are some finishing touches that some people don't notice unless they are taking a closer look.
The dog really does" eat my students' homework."

Our pet fish Swimmy.  If you can't tell, he is fake. He is the perfect pet! 

Instead of having my kids "kiss their brain," I give them a Hershey's Kiss.

My ALL TIME FAVORITE finishing touch of the year!!!!!!

Thank you for taking the time to tour our classroom! Please stop by again soon! :)

Monday, August 5, 2013


Hello everyone! My name is Brittney Turner, and
I am heading into my 5th year of teaching. This will be my 4th time teaching 4th grade. I think that means it is going to be an awesome year! This year I will be posting about the every day things that happen in our fourth grade classroom. I have always wanted to create a classroom website, but I decided a blog was a better way for me to share ideas with other teachers. The main purpose for this blog is to allow others to see the exciting things going on in our classroom. I am a firm believer in beg, steal, and borrow, so please feel free to share your great ideas with me also! Thank you for stopping by! Come back soon to see a tour of our classroom!